Allowing your students to be creative, encouraging them to learn through hands-on experience, and pushing them to challenge themselves to achieve goals that they might not have in a typical learning environment, is what innovation labs are all about! The opportunity for you to teach in an exciting and motivating way, as well as the opportunity for your students to learn through doing, not just hearing and seeing, can make all the difference when it comes to student engagement, retention and preparing them for life outside of school in the real world to help them shine and excel in their careers.

Here are a few of the many benefits of implementing innovation labs into your classroom:


Innovation labs open students up to STEM

STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, is a program that allows students to learn about more than what the conventional school curriculum offers. For example, students are introduced to engineering, where they learn how to plan, build models and make their development plans become a reality. They work with current leading software, 3D printers, laser cutters and more, to help them learn through hands-on experience. Overall, innovation labs expose the students to some of the leading career fields in the world today, that are so vital to the success and growth of countries everywhere.


Innovation labs increase chances of landing a job 

When it comes to candidates who have been STEM-educated, versus ones that have not, corporations are more likely to choose the ones who have been educated through STEM solutions. So by providing students with this opportunity, you are giving them the chance to stand out in their job search right out of college. With such an impressive education, hiring managers will see that these candidates possess the necessary skills to work with a team, problem solve under unique circumstances, and already have experience with modern technology.

Along with these benefits, students who get to learn within the walls of innovation labs are more confident when it comes to problem solving, leading a team, and being creative. They also can help make the world a better place, as they carry the right skillset and characteristics to make a difference, whether it’s in politics, mentoring students, teaching, and much more. Contact IDIYA Labs to turn your school into a hands-on learning experience that helps mold and educate students toward a better, more successful future.